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Brew Guides


Hario V60

Recommended Measurements: 1:15 coffee to water ratio

In this case, 33g coffee to 495g water, or to taste.


• Start boiling water.

• Place filter in cone and pre-rinse by saturating the filter with a small amount of hot water. Dump water before continuing brewing process.

• Grind coffee to medium coarseness and put it into the filter. Make sure to level the bed. 

• Place cone with vessel onto scale and zero it.

• Finish heating water and start your timer.

• Slowly Pour 66g hot water (2X coffee weight) in a clockwise direction over the grounds for bloom. Don't rush the bloom, it should be 15-45 seconds, or until off-gassing ceases.

• Pour in concentric circles in 80-100g intervals, but not too close to the edge, as it may dilute the cup, until you reach the 495g weight. It should be about 3 minutes brew time. If it's dripping slower, increase grind size, if too fast, decrease grind size.

• Savor this cup of coffee.

Kalita Wave

Recommended Measurements: 1:15 coffee to water ratio

In this case, 26g coffee to 390g water, or to taste.


• While boiling water, weigh out coffee, and set grinder to medium coarseness.

• Place a filter in the Kalita Wave, and put it onto the server or mug. 

• Pre-rinse by saturating the filter with a small amount of hot water. Dump water before continuing brewing process.

• Grind coffee, put it into the filter, and shake it to level it.

• Place Kalita Wave with vessel onto scale and zero it.

• Finish boiling water.

• Start your pour and the timer.

• Slowly Pour 50-52g hot water (2X coffee weight) onto the coffee, starting in the center, in concentric circles. 

• Coffee will bloom, allow 15-30 seconds to finish off-gassing.

• Continue pouring your circles in 30g intervals, until desired weight is reached (390g), saturating any dark spots.

• Aim for it to finish dripping at around 3 minutes.

• Remove the Kalita Wave, and serve.

• Bask in your success.


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32% of lorem ipsum

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